Blue Ocean

Risk Acceptance Form Mobile

Risk Acceptance Form
To be completed by all participants taking part in activities.

Blue Ocean accepts its responsibility to make its activities as safe as is reasonably practicable. However, adventurous activities can be hazardous and we cannot be completely risk free, however hard we try. Accidents can happen without any contributory negligence from ourselves and our staff.

Blue Ocean can accept no responsibility for loss or damage to personal property or for personal injury not arising as a result of its own act or default. (Although we hold adequate public liability cover, we remind you that you have the option to take out personal accident insurance independently and we are advised that you take this out).

I understand and accept the above statements and accept that I have a responsibility to take careful note of instructions and to act in a way that will minimise the likelihood of injury. I will also inform the event staff on the day of any relevant medical conditions or existing injuries that might affect my safety.


    Group Organisers Name*

    Your Name *


    Activity *

    Activity Date